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Painting with a Twist FAQ

Q: You are a paint & sip. Do we have to bring and/or drink wine?

A: Not at all! We are BYOB and the B can be water or soda! For adults age 21+ you may BYO alcohol of choice. For family/kids events, non-alcoholic beverages only.

Q: I've never painted before. Can I do this?

A: Of course! Many of our twisters have not picked up a paint brush since kindergarten (or not since they painted a bedroom!). Our artist instructors paint with you showing you step by step how to complete your masterpiece.

Q: What are the prices for a class?

A: Two hour classes are offered for $39 and three hour classes for $48. 

Q: Can I watch while my kids/friends/others paint? 

A: For our events, there are no observers. Everyone in attendance must have a paid seat. Minors under 13 CANNOT be dropped off and must have a paying adult painting with them. No shared canvases.

Q: When do you post a new monthly schedule? 

A: The calendar is posted by the 1st of every month for the following month (June's calendar will be posted by May 1st).

Q: Will my painting be dry by the end of the night? 

A: Yes, if there are a few damp places we will have hair dryers which will dry them quickly.

Q: What is a "set" painting? 

A: For Set events, you purchase 2 seats. This a 2-canvas painting for you & your guest to paint together! You choose one side to paint & your guest will paint the other. When you put these 2 canvases together, they will make 1 whole image! Sometimes we have 3 set paintings or 4 set paintings too! Everyone in attendance needs a paid seat.

Q: At what time should I arrive for class? 

A: Fifteen to thirty minutes would be plenty of lead time. We start ON TIME so give yourself time to settle in & ready to paint!

Q: Do you do reserved seating? 

A: Yes and recommend you do.

Q: Will you have wine openers and cups? 

A: Yes!

Q: Since it is around dinner, can we bring food? 

A: Yes, feel free to bring in a snack. There is limited table space for food with popular classes, so please keep it simple.

Q: What do I wear? 

A: Whatever is comfortable and you don't mind if a little paint gets on it. We will provide you with canvas aprons but have disposable plastic aprons if you wish to use them instead.

Q: Do I need a reservation? 

A: We do require reservations with payment to secure seats and we require a 4 hour cancellation to transfer to another class. No calls/no shows will not be issued store credit or transfers and forfeit all payments

Q: How do I make a DIY Soy Candle? 

A: You may "add on" a candle to your class or private event reservation or come in for a Pop in & Paint to make a candle! Come in a half hour before your class start time so you can select your scent & make your soy candle. It takes 2 hours to cure/set and by the time you are done your painting, it will be packed up and ready for you to take home. We have 24 scents to choose from!

Q: I saw a painting event on the schedule but now it's gone. What happened? 

A: If an event doesn't get reservations, we will switch out the artwork to see if our customers would like a different painting. Sometimes we will have 2 paintings up at the same time and see which gets reservations first, then delete the one with none. Someone may have booked a private event in that particular time slot so we are accommodating that private party. Bottom line: if you see an event you and your friends want to do, reserve your spot so we know there is interest! 

Q: Do you do private parties? 

A: Yes, we can accommodate in-studio, off-site & and virtual parties! See Party Info

Q: What size is the canvas? 

A: We offer a variety of surfaces to paint on, but the most popular surface is our 16x20 canvas.

Q: Is there an age limit?

A: Please no infants or toddlers at our studio for events. We recommend age 6 and older for Family Day/Kids Events and 13 and older for All Ages afternoon and weekday classes. For Kids Parties ages 7-12. Please note that it is the law that you have to be 21 years old to consume alcoholic beverages.

We hold Adult Only (18 years and older) events Friday & Saturday nights.

Q: What is All-Ages vs. Adult-Only vs. Family/Kid Events?

A: ALL AGES events are for more mature customers, teenagers and older. These are NOT drop off events for those under 13. Keep in mind there will be mostly adults attending and it is still a BYO so there will be adults drinking alcohol. All children under 13 must be accompanied by a paying adult for All Ages and Family Events. 

Our Friday & Saturday evening events are always ADULT ONLY. If you bring anyone under 18, you will be turned away at the door and offered a take home kit or a reschedule to an all-ages event. 

Kid/Family events are alcohol-free and are centered around kid-themed paintings. Children under 13 are required to be accompanied by a paying adult. These are not drop off events. 

Q: What is your refund policy? 

A: WE DO NOT PROCESS REFUNDS. We require 4 hour notice of cancellation no matter what the reason to switch to another event or secure a store credit by sending us an email request to, so that we may offer your spot to another customer. Groups of six or more must give at least five days notice for cancellation. We only issue store credit for individuals canceling within the proscribed time and the store credit is valid for 3 months from the date of cancellation. No shows will not will not receive store credit. NO EXCEPTIONS

Painting With a Twist reserves the right to cancel classes for unforeseen circumstances. Registrants will be notified at least 6 hours prior to class time and store credits/rescheduling processed.

Q: What is Pop In & Paint vs. "Open Studio" session? 

A: "Pop In and Paint" is a DIY Experience! No reservations are required. Paint on any of our surfaces, make a soy candle or do your own thing. A staff member is available to get your supplies together but there is no instruction or art assistance/guidance. Pop In hours vary based on availability! See Pop In

"Open Studio" is an event that we offer several times a month in studio where you can choose any painting. There is an artist to help you out, but this is not a class where our artist is on stage giving step by step instructions. Everyone in attendance may be painting a different project. This class is for customer that needs minimal guidance from the artist while recreating their very own masterpiece.

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